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What is Black Oasis?

Black Oasis is a mindset. I know I'm not alone in dreaming of change for my community. If you take the time to stop and talk to people you will see we all really want similar things for our people. Sometimes hurt, fear, ego, and toxic beliefs block us from connecting with one another. There are times when the journey of life feels like we are walking through a dessert. Societal pressures, oppression, trauma, and anxiety beam down on us like the Saharan sun. The stress is unrelenting, exhausting, and debilitating. Yet if you walk long enough you come across a conversation, a song, a quote, a story, or a new friend, an elder, a child that is refreshing like a cool drink of water.

If you are Black in the States you know what a dessert feels like, You know what it is to thirst for a better quality of life, for justice, for social equity, and for a day when the pain stops. Black Oasis is a space that serves as that cool drink of water. The intention is to spread love, vulnerability, and emotional wellness to all that come across it on their journey. You will hear everything from funny stories and inspirational lessons to local business that promote Black health and wellness. Why the emphasis on Black? Because Black wellness has been under attack in this country for centuries. This podcast will touch on social justice, dismantling oppressive social constructs like patriarchy & white supremacy, and challenge unhealthy beliefs/ traditions in the Black Community. The guests will be everyday Black people, the topics might trigger you, and the as an audience you will always have space to give your feedback. An oasis only works if all elements of the earth work together. You must have the fire of the sun to juxtapose the cool water.... how elese will you value a much needed drink if you arent thirsty ? You need rocks to rest on and plants to purify the air. There is room for everyone.

As the host of this show I will be transparent and vulnerable about my own desserts and the cool drinks of water God provides along the way.. This is our watering place, our eden, our heaven, our refuge, our relief. Welcome to a pleasant change. #BlackOasis


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